Monday 6 January 2014

Concert Day

There is a first for everything for a new parent ie first day of school, first day at nanny's and of course, the first concert day at kindy! The excitement levels for parents in respect of Concert Day can equally match, if not exceed, that of the child. MG's concert day at Taska Precious Steps took place on 12 October at the rented hall of Sri KDU Primary School.

We had no idea what to really expect and only got an inkling that her class was performing a percussion number (basically all kids shaking some percussion instrument, and endeavouring it to follow some "tune") and a song called "You raise me up". Being in the 4 year old class, I did not expect much and thought that it's probably all the wee ones are capable of. MG was super excited at the thought of wearing a sequinned costume, and loved the make up part. Poor mum here had to go out to buy a new lipstick so that MG would not be poisoned by mum's old, barely used inventories which may have turned toxic. The theme of the concert was "Happy Family". The concert consisted of teacher appreciation sessions (first time I got to see all the teachers at one go) and also a "road map" of the future for TPS. The latter was very consultant-ish, I thought it was a bit over the top, but perhaps necessary in these competitive times, to communicate to the urban (TTDI) parents that "Don't ya worry folks...this kindy is run professionally!"

All that consultant-speak was lost on the grandparents and old foggies who attended though. Briefly, TPS has acquired a new property and will be expanding in 2014! Also I learnt that the TPS uses the Starlight system (heheh, never too late to learn more about the kindy that you signed up to).Won't bore you with the details.

So after a few performances by various classes, MG came out with her class with the percussion performance. Which was pretty hilarious because they attempted to follow a tune "This Old Man" but with great difficulty. (I couldn't make out the rest of the tunes). And then the performance turned awry as one boy decided that this was to be his moment of fame and decided to go against all the instructions and training given so far, so much so that a teacher had to come out and intervene. Well, despite the performance going south, the audience was forgiveable (where else would you find such forgiving and accepting audience!). I also do appreciate that it is immensely difficult to train kids of that age to perform as what happens in rehearsal does not translate to the actual performance).

Just when I was expecting the song to be the next performance, the girls in MG's class (and younger girls from another class) came out later to do a dance! It was a complete but nice surprise for me and all in MG entourage (consisting of grandma, and nanny's family).

All these time during concert training etc, no one had a clue that she was going to do a dance. She never practised in front of us, or the nanny and never said anything about a dance. Again, the performers either goofed partially (eg MG) or froze totally, I don't think anyone did a perfect 10 performance, but again these are 4 year olds. Overall, we were so proud of her for keeping up with the dance from start till finish. From an audience's perspective, I thought the concert was executed pretty well and had an overriding theme, although I noted a lack of "traditional/ cultural" dances, perhaps these are out of date?

There were some really good performances and performers. There was definitely one boy who was a natural B boy, who did a hip hop number. I think we might actually see him in "So you think you can dance" in 15 years time.. MG really liked performing and wanted another concert day and wasn't happy when told that she needed to wait another year.

Maybe I should send her to ballet lessons in the meantime...